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Origin Story

It Begins With A Simple Idea

I have always loved candles and for years I wondered what it would be like to make my own. But it was just thoughts and daydreams for the longest time. So at the beginning of 2022, I decided that I would never know unless I tried. So, in typical Natasha fashion, I dove all in- I began creating custom intention candles, first for friends and family, then began offering them online.

And… Light With Intention was born.

And that was it. Light With Intention went from an idea to an actual business. Since that moment, I haven’t looked back.

The Process: Custom Intention Candles

Every time you purchase a custom intention and manifestation candle, everything about that candle is designed specifically for you.

Before I even pull out the soy wax, I sit down with the intention you included. Some people have included a very specific sentence of phrase, while others include words or an idea of what it is they are working towards. When I receive the latter, I create space for those words and ideas, allowing myself to be guided to a more specific intention statement.

Then, I hand select the stones and the dried flower petals that are best suited for your intention. I include the ingredients that hold the same intention and vibration of the one you sent me.

And, as I had pour your candle, I hold space for your intention and infuse my own energy into the candle, so as it burns, it will merge with yours, creating the optimal space for you to focus on (and manifest) your intention.

The Law of Attraction

So you may be wondering, how does all of this actually work? I’m not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about the Law of Attraction and manifestation. But I had this “light bulb” moment when it finally all clicked for me.

Initially, I was overwhelmed. There is so much information out there, all of it different. And I kept running into the specific methods and rules for manifesting. But, here’s the thing. There are no rules. It doesn’t need to be difficult. You get to decide what you want to do (and how you want to do it).

But, I promise, the Law of Attraction isn’t crazy complicated.

At it’s core, the Law of Attraction is the philosophy that your thoughts have the power to control your reality. So, positive thoughts lend to a positive reality, while negative thoughts lend to a negative one. And, according to Elizabeth Scott PhD’s article on Very Well Mind…

“It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.”

An Example

Have you ever had a day where you were in just a terrible mood? And then it seems like everything throughout the day goes wrong?

When your mind is focused on something, you will always see more of it in the world around you. So, if you’re feeling great and having an amazing day, you are primed to see the opportunities around you.

Just let go and allow yourself to imagine, to pretend- just like you did as a kid. Whatever it is you’ve been dreaming about, let yourself fully buy in. Because when you start believing the impossible is actually possible… that’s when the magic happens. So, let yourself feel the feelings as if it were already true.

The Power of Visualization

Want a promotion at work? Well, how would you feel if you actually got it? Then, take that feeling and run it with it. Embody it. Feel it every single day.

Visualizing or pretending or imagining your dream life or your goals actually conditions your brain for success. It’s a nudge to your body to behave in a way that matches up with the images you’ve been conjuring up in your brain.

If you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction, I do recommend the article by Elizabeth Scott PhD. It is informational and breaks the universal principals of the Law of Attraction down in a way that is manageable, rather than overwhelming.

Two candles stacked on top of each other.

My Manifestation Process

For me, I love lighting candles because it helps me focus my mind and my energy. And the scent of the candle serves as a reminder of what it is I am working towards.

Plus, I regularly visualize (both in the morning before I get out of bed and in the evening as I’m falling asleep). And I have vision boards scattered throughout my house. I surround myself with images of what I want my life to look like in a year (or more) to condition my brain.

And Now, the Candles

Now, we do offer a variety of different candle options. The custom intention candles are, of course, always available. But now, you can also find 4oz intention candles (serenity, abundance, money manifestation, anxiety-relief… to name a few) and candle bundles, which are perfect for gifts. You can find all of our candles in our shop.

If you’re looking for something that you don’t see, please send us a message using our online form! We always try to work with you to create exactly what you need.